
10 Jan 2015


How you ask a lady out determines her manner of response. When you walk up to a lady, she knows what you have in mind and she knows the reply to give you. Walk up to her, smile and say someting of interest to her or something to tickle her fancy. Believe me she would want to reply you or she would jst smile. When she does any of these, just try to kip the conversation going and then you can be friends. Now when u walk up to a lady try to keep the following things in check.

1. How you dress: Every girl likes a decent girl with a little swag. Don't think it's cool or swag when you keep ur trousers dangling round ur buttocks. Don't over dress and don't under dress, be moderate.

2. Your breathe: You are definitely going to open your mouth to talk to her, so be carefull that you don't have a bad breathe or alcoholic or cigarette smell coming out of ur mouth.

3. Your first impression: The first sentence you utter from your mouth matters alot. Don't go for balant words like "I just saw you and you look pretty, so can we be friends or can I have ur number". Try to say something that she would love and would want to comment. That way you can get the conversation going. Don't say too much, be an active listener and try to understand all that she say. She is probably going to introduce herself, so be sure not to forget her name.

4. How to ensure that your new found friendship continues:  We all know that everything that has a begining must have an end. It is how you try to prolong the friendship that matters alot. For some, the exchange of contacts comes easy but for others it is quite trickish. You can say something like "I enjoyed your company nd would love to continue this conversation but asking for your number would be too obvious, so can I get anything I can use to relate to you?". Smile to her and she would probably  give you the number or anyother means. But even if she does not give you, smile, shake hands with her saying its nice talking to you and then walk away.

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